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We are excited to announce that we will be gathering together again at New Life beginning, Sunday July 4th! On that day we will gather for worship and the word. In these quiet months we’ve be working to improve facilities. We can’t wait for you to see the progress we’ve made!


In our efforts to ensure a safe and healthy return to ministry on our campus, we will begin a phased reopening schedule to allow us to serve you and maintain the highest standards of safety for in-person worship.


While we're excited to worship with you on-campus, we'll also continue to worship together through our Facebook and Youtube Live Stream. Our live stream is a great alternative for you if you're out of town, high risk, or being cautious, and you can continue to join us in worship at

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  • Services will be limited to Sunday mornings at 10:30 am and Wednesday's at 7:00 PM.

  • There will be a sanitizing station located at the entrance of the church and our staff will be implementing several guidelines as outlined by the provincial/local government and health officials

  • Church leadership will be encouraging all congregants to practice social distancing throughout the confines of the church.

  • The sanctuary will be marked off to allow for proper social distancing and will be cleaned before and after service.

  • There will be no meet & greet time during the service.

  • Offering will be collected in plates in the back of the sanctuary after services. Also consider giving online via e-transfer using the email address

  • Children's classes will take place during our Sunday worship experience. 

what we expect from you

  • Feel free to bring and wear your mask or face covering and your own hand sanitizer if desired. Please cover your nose AND mouth when wearing your mask.

  • As much as possible, sit with family members or close contacts you have been socially distancing with to reduce potential spread.

  • Please respect the personal boundaries of fellow congregants as they participate in worship.

  • Please do not ask people about their personal health status including personal decisions regarding vaccines. We respect and affirm the right of each person to make their own private and informed decision.

  • If you are feeling unwell, we ask that you remain at home and continue to connect with us online. 

  • Please follow entry and exit instructions as given by signs and church leadership.

We can’t wait to see you online or in person!

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