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Prime Verse: 2 Samuel 11: 1-27. 2 Samuel 12: 1-24 Click here to watch the message

Pastor’s Note: The trap of sin ensnares us all. With gentle voice and the promise of fulfilled desires, sin meets us where we are most vulnerable. Sin the great deceiver knows our brokenness, it is Sin’s greatest weapon. Without warning, or preamble or a proclamation of cost, Sin gently closes the door of the cage we have stumbled upon, (or actively sought and created), and with willing blindness we enter.....snap!

Like King David, sometimes Sin has opportunity because of where we are not; not listening to GOD, not fulfilling our responsibility, not cherishing our relationships, not respecting ourselves as children of the Lord and followers of the redemptive Christ. We are in “ not trust” with GOD, as we act to trust in our own devices & desires, our brokenness and our willfulness; that is the trap of Sin.

David as King was not with his troops, not defending the tabernacle of God and the people of Israel, & not fulfilling his God centred role as the anointed King of his tribes. Although the king’s palace was godly, it was the wrong place because of David’s disobedience in his abandonment of his anointed role and duty. The disobedience of “ David in place” opened the trap of temptation, it grew in consequence from the gratification of pleasure to manipulation, judgement and abuse, ending in a consequence of guilt and death that would over shadow David’s remaining life, his household and his people throughout his reign.

By stepping out of the will of God and into Sin, David became bound by consequence. Rebuked and in contrition, the Lord put away David’s sin, and gave the redemptive promise that David would not die because of this; David was delivered from the bondage of his actions, yet remained in the consequence of his Sin for life.

How many times have we been in a “right” place for the wrong reasons? Where our disobedience has laid a foundation for desire to flame, and we in the moment step outside the Will of GOD and into the snare of willfulness. When the brokenness we hide steps forward, empowers us to act outside GODS will and we become “ in place” instead of “in GOD”, we are in Sin. But like David, we have the promise of a new way forward.; in judgement there is sanctuary . In the embrace of the will of GOD, there is redemption. The Lord “ puts away our sin” as HE did for David, and as contrite and penitent people we are enfolded into the love and forgiveness of the GOD of infinite mercy.

Consequence remains. The decisions of willfulness and the actions of shadow are forgiven. We are promised the restoration found in GODS strength, and become baptized in courage to walk out of & away from the trap of sin. Christ destroyed his Earthly reputation & abandoned his humanity to be the Sin sacrifice, to save us from the snare and trap of Sin in fulfillment of the unchanging promise of GOD. We are provided the strength, the tools and the focus to live godly whilst in consequence, by the presence of GOD within us, the Holy Spirit, as promised to us at Calvary. Listen, Trust, Obey. The consequence of “not in place, not in trust, not in obedience” is, as David knows, too costly a price for so tarnished an offering as Sin. Break the trap with Christ.


1) Disobedience 2 Samuel 11:1. ( when we are not in the right place as desired by GOD, the temptation of sin occurs)

2) Wilfulness & Desire 2 Samuel 11:3 ( David takes another mans wife as his own, and fathers a child)

3) Shame & Entrapment 2 Samuel 11: 6-13 ( David tries to corrupt an honourable man to hide his sin)

4) Manipulation & Corruption 2 Samuel 11: 14-17 ( David abandons his role as protector, orders the death of an innocent)

5) Discovery & Restitution. 2 Samuel 12: 1-18 ( David is rebuked, is penitent, seeks GOD, and is forgiven)

6) Consequence. 2 Samuel 12: 18-25 ( David begins his 20 years of consequence, but rejoices in GOD in his Penitence and Prayer, for the Lord loved him)

Study Verses: 2 Samuel 11. 2 Samuel 12:1-25.

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